06 April, 2020

Places visited at Yangtse

Tashiyangtse Dzongkhag in the eastern part of Bhutan comprises of sacred places that were blessed by Guru Rinpoche among the six eastern Dzongkhags.  Even the town looks so beautiful with the traditional design of houses. The town is so peace at night and also its appreciating to know the people of all ages visits Choeten kora right from the morning hours.
Chorten Kora

Old Yangtse dzong

View from Rigsum Gonpa Monastery
Our visit to Obma nye under Toedtsho Gewog took more than two hours from road point. One of the interesting moments on the way were snapping photos on the bridge and taking rest in newly build canopy while having tea and snacks. Omba is popularly known as Taktshang of the East and the lhakhang is located on the cliff as well. One of the astonishing things to notice at Omba ney is that the holy letters can be seen on the rocks.
Omba nye   

A visit to Rigsum gonpa monastery under Bumdeling Gewog needs stamina to walk for more than hours where we took more than four hours walking through the woods. If one starts journey early in the morning towards gonpa, then one might return back on the same day. One of the best memories of the visit is that one of the dogs met on the way guide us to the lhakhang where we grasp beautiful scenery of the lhakhang from the view point. Gonpa lies on top of the mountain with cold winds around and one could observe beautiful mountain peaks covered with snow.

A journey to Dechen phodrang starts from Yangtse town following Seb farm road towards the Woming na. Walk from the bridge leads to the Dechen phodrang lhakhang where one could notice lovely scenery with the small streams and gigantic holy rocks.

A way to Gongza nye starts from Doksum but from the end of road point, one have to walk by the riverside and it took more than hour to reach there through the path. One of the good timing of the visit is that if you visit in winter you could see all the holy rocks and stones of unique shapes lying by the side of the river but all of those stones will be submerged during the summer.
Gom Kora is located just below the highway on the way towards yangtse. There were holy rocks with important significance and relics too. Kapaling Lhakhang is located above Gom Kora about 10-15 minute walk from the highway.

Rigsum Gonpa

Above Gom kora
Gongza Nye

Surrounding of Dechenphodrang

08 March, 2019

Visit to Kabje Hoka Tsho under Punakha Dzongkhag

Few years back, I heard of story regarding Hoka Tsho for several times and also photos of the lakes uploaded on social media but couldn’t visit for long as I was residing in the Eastern part of Bhutan. I haven’t expected to reach there either after all it takes long journey to reach there. Unexpectedly close friend of mine who resides at Punakha has planned the trip to visit the Tsho and she wants me to join the trip as well.
I still remember, its in February 2019, where I waked up early in the morning and prepared myself to visit Hoka tsho along with friends. We took the vehicle till the road end point of Kabesa. Then the journey towards the tsho started from Lhakhang Niningpo . We also invited one man from the locality as a guide to the Hoka tsho. Following the way by the sides of irrigation channel through the thick and thin forest, we enjoyed the journey chatting on various views under the shades of tall trees. Within two hours we could reached to our destination, where we observe beautiful scenery of the vast Tsho surrounded by the thick forest. The place was peace and calm where one could enjoy the scenery and pray for longevity as its very important to visit lakes in one’s life time.

View of Hoka Tsho
Upon reaching there, we gathered some dry twigs, leaves and burnt incense.  Then in turns there were photo session going on and then its almost time for lunch that we all gathered for lunch. Its kind of dry picnic where 19 of us gathered with pot lunch, we shared among ourselves and its good time for interaction too.

Thick vegetation around

In the evening, we started our journey back, all in joy we didn’t took much time like in the morning and reached to the road point in no time and all gathered together. We had some snacks and drinks. Then the driver drove us back to the respective dwelling where we all reached safely and the day was exploring and enjoyable one with big circle of friends.
It will be memorable day in my life accompanying with the friends. The day was worth exploring and sight-seeing. After all it’s good to reach the unreached areas and it is better to make new memories when time permits. 
The good pointed to be noted about the visit is its visiting time, it is the right season to visit the Hoka tsho in spring when climate is favorable without rain and no need to encounter with leaches. It will be very difficult to travel during rainy reason due do incidence of leaches. If travelers  happen to visit the Tsho during Autumn season there is high possibility that it will bring rain to the locality hampering the paddy harvest.
So its advisable to visit the Tsho before the onset of monsoon that could ease the journey for travelers.