21 June, 2018

Her Summer Days

The day begins with the morning walk towards the Wengkhar Lhakhang following the cemented footpath and across the blacktop road. As she wanders around, she could grasp the morning freshness and perceive the beautiful scenery of Wengkhar valley where one fills the heart with happiness with greenery surrounding. One could spot homely village life; people busy like bees in the field. One could notice men fencing, women weeding in the maize field and few in the vegetable garden as it’s the routine for them to work in the early morning hours before sunshine. Those morning walks were striking moments for her where she could spot and is familiar with the activities of the people nearby.
As soon as she is back from the morning walk then she has to rush for her duty. Being agriculturist working in a research Centre, it is her responsibility to visit and monitor research field on daily basis. Every day is a challenging day as one has to work under scorching sun with sweats all over the body but worth learning if we take on the other way as we can handle with daily arousal of pest and overcome the problems in the field. Physical effort has to be applied and hard work is must in order to reap what you sow.
Summer is the season for harvesting and paddy transplantation in the east and the busiest one where she is engaged in harvesting of different varieties of Apricot, Plum, Peaches and followed by Pear harvest and has to do laboratory fruit analysis to compare and find out superior quality. She never misses sensory evaluation of those summer fruits.
With regard to vegetables, it is fruiting season for cucurbits and solanaceous family like Pumpkin, summer squash, Tomatoes etc. She has to harvest summer squash on alternate days and evaluate it as immature squash are good for cooking. Most motivating part of her work in vegetables is that she could conduct research trial, study the phenotypical characters of the vegetables and could compare different varieties of the specific vegetable.
She considers practical learning as the best as she could cope up with the cultivation practices of crops and even get opportunity to experience the hardships faced by the farmers. After a tiring field work one can sleep with full satisfaction as ones hard work will be rewarded.
Those summer days let her gain skills in cultivation of crops and the techniques to overcome the hindrances in management of the crops.