21 June, 2018

The year 2015 has been fruitful one with so many memories to cherish. It has also taught many lessons through my challenging bygone days. The surrounding around has made me strong enough to be bold and to face obstacles in life.
Among all, one of the remarkable events was in February; attending convocation with the friends at Thimphu after completion of Diploma in Agriculture representing College of Natural Resources. It’s one of the golden opportunities to attend and receive the certificates of completion of course from His Majesty. 

RDC-Wengkhar in Action

In addition, 60th Birthday celebration of K4 at Mongar public ground was memorable as well. It is indeed a good opportunity to participate in March pass representing RNR-RDC Wengkhar. The charm of our celebration altered to entertaining one compared to past event. Civil servants and business individuals taking part in March pass will be remarkable one dedicated to the 60th birthday celebration.

The programme arranged by the Dzongkhag was fascinating with different cultural programme by the students, civil servants, business individuals and farmers from different geog were shown. It’s the good opportunity where participants are able to show their talents in dancing after long run in their busy daily schedule. Grasping the opportunity to participate in cultural programme after college days was refreshing indeed.

Being under Horticulture sector, most of the bygone days were spent in the field conducting and monitoring trails on vegetables& fruits and recording data for analysis.
Furthermore, December month has been tiring and busiest one moving from one geog to another under Pemagatshel and Mongar Dzongkhag in delivering technical support to the interested farmers in development of orchard in their farm. Farmers were supported through different programs like Citrus focused village, Pear village, Sub-tropical mixed fruit orchard and systematic demo orchard initiated by the centre.
 My team begin with site verification followed by layout and training which includes pit digging demonstration and orchard management practices starting from Pangthang village under Chhimoong geog to Laneri and Durungri under Dungmaed geog in P/gatshel followed by Yangbari village under Gongdue geog in monger and back to Rinchenthang under Chhokhorling geog followed by Nanong geog under Pemagatshel Dzongkhag. Farmers were briefed on the importance of developing orchards in their farm and they were given training on orchard management practices mainly to create awareness and gain knowledge on importance of maintaining a good orchard in their farm. Completing layout for 131 farmers with a total of 2294 seedlings to be planted will be one of the greatest achievements in the year supporting rural farmers through research centre.
Besides my daily routine, visiting to the new places mainly the places of historic event was of my interest. I made some visits to the religious sites in the eastern dzongkhags accompanied by my friends.